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CHEN Nansheng

Name: CHEN Nansheng
Title: Professor
Research Field: Genomics; Bioinformatics; Marine Ecology
Departmen: Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Tel/Fax:  0532-82898680


2018.03-present Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Fellow
2013.09-2018.03 Simon Fraser University, Tenured Professor
2009.09-2013.09 Simon Fraser University, Tenured Associate-Professor
2006.07-2009.09 Simon Fraser University, Tenure-track Associate-Professor
2002.09-2006.06 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Research Fellow
1996.07-2000.12 University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Postdoctoral Fellow
1994.12-1996.06 University of Utah School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Fellow


2000.01-2002.06 University of British Columbia, Master of Software Systems
1989.09-1994.10 Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Neurobiology
1984.09-1989.07 Fudan University, Bachelor of Biophysics

Professional Memberships

(1)Associate Editor: Frontiers in Genetics (2011-present)
(2)Associate Editor: BMC Research Notes (2011-present)
(3)Editorial Board Member: Dataset Papers in Biology (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
(4)Committee Member of RECOMB (2011- 2018)
(5)Committee Member of APBC (2013)
(6)Grant Review Panel: NIH (2012-2018)
(7)Grant Review Panel: NSF (2006-2018)
(8)Grant Review Panel: CIHR (2006-2018)
(9)Grant Review Panel: NSERC (2006-2018)
(10)Grant Review Panel: MSFHR (2006-2018)
(11)Reviewer: Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (2009-present)
(12)External Grant Review Panel: Canada Research Chair (2008-2013)
(13)Board member: NSERC-CREATE Training Program in Bioinformatics at Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, and BC Cancer Agency
(14)Board member: Bioinformatics Training Program at Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, and BC Cancer Agency (2007-2015)
(15)MBB/Simon Fraser University Tenure and Promotion Committee during 2007-2018
(16)MBB/Simon Fraser University seminar coordinator and organizer during 2013-2018
(17)MBB/Simon Fraser University Graduate Studies Committee during 2007-2012
(18)MBB/Simon Fraser University Research and Resources Committee
(19)Member: American Society for Human Genetics (2007-2018)
(20)Member: Genetics Society of America (2006-2018)
(21)Member: Society for Neuroscience (1996-2006)

Research Interests

(1) Development and application of bioinformatics programs
(2) Mechanisms of harmful algal blooms based on comparative genomics
(3) Genomic analysis of marine organisms

Honors and Awards:(获得荣誉、获奖情况)
(1) 2011 New Investigator Award from Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
(2) 2007 Scholar, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.
(3) 1999 Neurobiology Award of Excellence from National Health Institutes.
(4) 1997 McGeer and McGeer Award for Best Basic Medical Research.
(5) 1996 Post-doctoral Studentship from Huntington Disease Foundation

Selected Publications

1. Z Cui, Q Xu, K Gibson, S Liu, N Chen. Metabarcoding analysis of harmful algal bloom species in the Changjiang Estuary, China. Science of The Total Environment 782, 146823. 2021.

2. Y Chen, Q Xu, K Gibson, N Chen. Metabarcoding dissection of harmful algal bloom species in the East China Sea off Southern Zhejiang Province in late spring. Marine Pollution Bulletin 169, 112586. 2021.

3. H Huang, Y Wang, H Song, J Wang, Y Chen, Y Zhao, F Liu, N Chen. The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic analysis of Coscinodiscus wailesii (Coscinodiscophyceae, Bacillariophyta). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6 (7), 1849-1851. 2021.

4. X Wang, H Song, Y Wang, N Chen. Research on the biology and ecology of the harmful algal bloom species Phaeocystis globosa in China: Progresses in the last 20 years. Harmful Algae, 102057. 2021.

5. H Huang, Q Xu, K Gibson, Y Chen, N Chen. Molecular characterization of harmful algal blooms in the Bohai Sea using metabarcoding analysis. Harmful Algae 106. 2021.

6. Y Chen, Y Wang, K Liu, F Liu, N Chen. Development of a high-resolution molecular marker for tracking Pseudo-nitzschia pungens genetic diversity through comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes. Journal of Applied Phycology, 1-16. 2021.

7. K Liu, S Liu, Y Chen, F Liu, Y Zhao, N Chen. Complete mitochondrial genome of Thalassiosira profunda (Mediophyceae, Bacillariophyta). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6 (4), 1560-1562. 2021.

8. K Liu, S Liu, Y Chen, F Liu, N Chen. Complete mitochondrial genome of the harmful algal bloom species Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii (Mediophyceae, Bacillariophyta) from the east China sea. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6 (4), 1421-1423. 2021.

9. Y Wang, Y Chen, J Wang, F Liu, N Chen. Mitochondrial genome of the harmful algal bloom species Odontella regia (Mediophyceae, Bacillariophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (2), 855-868. 2021.

10. Y Wang, F Liu, M Liu, S Shi, Y Bi, N Chen. Molecular cloning and transcriptional regulation of two γ-carbonic anhydrase genes in the green macroalga Ulva prolifera. Genetica 149 (1), 63-72. 2021.

11. H Song, Y Chen, F Liu, N Chen. Large differences in the haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa mitochondrial genomes driven by repeat amplifications. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 1692. 2021.

12. M Zhang, Z Cui, F Liu, N Chen. Definition of a high-resolution molecular marker for tracking the genetic diversity of the harmful algal species Eucampia zodiacus through comparative analysis of mitochondrial genome. Frontiers in microbiology 12. 2021.

13. 刘淑雅,陈楠生. 胶州湾海域浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性研究进展. 海洋科学, 2021, 45(4): 170-188.

14. 姚艳欣,陈楠生. 珠江口及其邻近海域赤潮物种的生物多样性研究进展. 海洋科学, 2021, DOI: 10.11759/hykx20201116002.

15. 陈楠生. 海洋生物多样性中心形成与演变机制的比较基因组研究进展. 海洋与湖沼, 2021, 52(2): 274-286.

16. 陈楠生,黄海龙. 中国海洋浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性研究进展(一):渤海. 海洋与湖沼, 2021, 52(2): 346-362.

17. 陈楠生,陈阳. 中国海洋浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性研究进展(二):东海. 海洋与湖沼, 2021, 52(2): 363-384.

18. 陈楠生,张梦佳. 中国海洋浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性研究进展(三):南海. 海洋与湖沼, 2021, 52(2): 385-401.

19. 陈楠生,崔宗梅,徐青. 中国海洋浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性研究进展(四):长江口. 海洋与湖沼, 2021, 52(2): 402-417.

20. H Song, F Liu, Z Li, Q Xu, Y Chen, Z Yu, N Chen. Development of a high-resolution molecular marker for tracking Phaeocystis globosa genetic diversity through comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes. Harmful Algae 99, 101911. 2020.

21. F Liu, JT Melton Iii, JM Lopez-Bautista, N Chen. Multiple Intraspecific Variations of Mitochondrial Genomes in the Green-Tide Forming Alga, Ulva compressa Linnaeus (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020.

22. G Fan, Y Song, L Yang, X Huang, S Zhang, M Zhang, X Yang, Y Chang, H Zhang, Y Li, S Liu, L Yu, Jeffery Chu, Inge Seim, C Feng, Thomas J. Near, Rod A. Wing, W Wang, K Wang, J Wang, X Xu, H Yang, X Liu, N Chen, S He. Initial data release and announcement of the 10,000 Fish Genomes Project (Fish10K). GigaScience 9 (8), giaa080. 2020.

23. M Liu, F Liu, N Chen, JT Melton III, M Luo. Mitochondrial genomes and phylogenomic analysis of Ulva lactuca Linnaeus (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5 (2), 1638-1639. 2020.

24. S Liu, K Gibson, Z Cui, Y Chen, X Sun, N Chen. Metabarcoding analysis of harmful algal species in Jiaozhou Bay. Harmful algae 92, 101772. 2020.

25. X Xu, Z Yu, L He, X Cao, N Chen, X Song. Metabolic analyses by metatranscriptomics highlight plasticity in phosphorus acquisition during monospecific and multispecies algal blooms. Hydrobiologia 847 (4), 1071-1085. 2020.

26. 陈楠生. 有害藻华的宏条形码分析: 机会与挑战. 海洋科学, 2020, 44 (7): 116-134.

27. F Liu, S Liu, T Huang, N Chen. Construction and comparative analysis of mitochondrial genome in the brown tide forming alga Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae, Ochrophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (1), 441-450. 2019.

28. Q Liu, Y Guo, Y Zhang, W Hu, Y Li, D Zhu, Z Zhou, J Wu, N Chen, X Zhou. A chromosomal-level genome assembly for the insect vector for Chagas disease, Triatoma rubrofasciata. GigaScience 8 (8), giz089. 2019.

29. 俞志明,陈楠生. 国内外赤潮的发展趋势与研究热点. 海洋与湖沼, 2019, 50 (3): 474-486.

30. G Gong, C Dan, S Xiao, W Guo, P Huang, Y Xiong, J Wu, Y He, J Zhang,X Li, N Chen, J Gui, J Mei. Chromosomal-level assembly of yellow catfish genome using third-generation DNA sequencing and Hi-C analysis. GigaScience 7 (11), giy120, 57, 2018.
31. S Xu, S Xiao, S Zhu, X Zeng, J Luo, J Liu, T Gao, N Chen. A draft genome assembly of the Chinese sillago (Sillago sinica), the first reference genome for Sillaginidae fishes. GigaScience 7 (9), giy108. 2018.