Joint lab news

Agenda for ANSO Program kick-off Meeting

TIME:Mar 27,2023

Term of Refference(TOR)
ANSO Key Collaborative Research Program Kick Off Meeting
'Assessment and response to the impact of marine microplastic pollution on ecological security in the coral triangle'
Aru Room, Laterio Bld, BRIN Ancol Campus
3 April 2023


The "Coral Triangle" area is the global center of marine biodiversity, home to 370 million people who depend on marine ecosystems for their livelihoods and food sources. It is also the area with the most serious microplastic pollution in the world. Large-scale and systematic surveys of marine microplastic pollution and influence on the ecology have not yet been carried out. Hence, the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with the Indonesian Research Center for Oceanography-BRIN, the University of the Philippines, the University of Papua New Guinea and under the support of Alliance of International Scientific Organizations (ANSO), plan to carry out an multilateral collaboration program to investigate, analyze and respond to the current situation systematically and comprehensively.
To better start and implement this program together with our international partners, the kick-off meeting of this program will be held at Jakarta on 3rd April 2023 in a hybrid format, also synchronized via Zoom meeting. The kick-off meeting will provide a forum for scientists to exchange recent progress in the study of marine microplastics/debris pollution, their influences on marine biology and ecosystem, to address environmental challenges and promote cross-disciplinary collaborations with a view towards the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development and healthy life. Meanwhile, ANSO office will give a brief introduction about their collaborative research program, supports of scientist exchange program, scholarship for Ph D students.

Overview of the ANSO Program

ANSO is a non-profit, non-governmental international scientific organization founded in 2018 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 36 other international science and education institutions from around the world. ANSO came into being under the principles of "joint consultation, joint effort, and joint sharing" championed by the Chinese "Belt and Road Initiative".
ANSO is committed to promoting shared development, sustainable development, and the advancement of the UN SDGs through catalyzing and implementing concrete international cooperation initiatives in Science, Technology & Innovation, and Capacity Building (STIC). It is envisaged that ANSO will focus attention on the investigation and addressing of the most urgent regional and global scientific challenges. This focus includes supporting the needs and scientific capacity building of the Global South through partnerships and cooperation with the member countries and institutions.
ANSO is an international organization designed to win global recognition and support through continuous activity, sound scientific programs and actions, and success in addressing global needs and challenges.
For further information about ANSO, please visit:

Purpose of the Kick-Off Meeting

●To introduce the ANSO microplastics program;
●To plan project activities in 2023-2025;
●To broadcast ANSO international program;
●To establish collaboration and networking

Meeting room (offline) and Zoom link (online):

●Meeting room
Aru Meeting Room, Laterio Bld. , BRIN Ancol Campus, Jalan. Pasir Putih 1, Ancol Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia
●Zoom room
Meeting ID: 990 5314 2379
Passcode: PROBRIN


Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
1.Kepala Organisasi Riset dan Kebumian;
2.Kepala Pusat Riset Laut Dalam;
3.Koordinator Perencanaan (Program dan Anggaran) Organisasi Riset Kebumian dan Maritim
4.Koordinator Kerjasama dan Hukum Jakarta 2-BHKS
5.Ketua Kelompok Riset Physical oceanography of the maritime continent (PROMINENT)
6.Ketua Kelompok Riset Bioecology of tropical marine biota (BEFAULT)
7.Ketua Kelompok Riset Vegetated coastal ecosystem (VCOAST)
8.Ketua Kelompok Riset Marine microbes and planktons (MicroPla)
9.Ketua Kelompok Riset Spatial ecology and coastal dynamics (EKOSPA)
10.Ketua Kelompok Riset Integrated Marine Biosphere (IMBeR)
11.Ketua Kelompok Riset Marine pollution (MarPol)
12.Ketua Kelompok Riset Coastal social-ecological system (COSY)
13.Ketua Kelompok Riset Coral reef ecosystem health (CORRECT)
14.Ketua Kelompok Riset Conservation of endemics and endangered marine biota
15.Ketua Kelompok Riset Coastal processes (COPRO)
16.Dr. Muhammad Reza Cordova
17.Dr. Adi Purwandana
18.Dr. Riza Iskandar (Via Zoom)
19.Dr. Corry Manulang (Via Zoom)
20.Sofia Yuniar Sani, Pusat Riset Oseanografi;
21.Siti Sulha, Pusar Riset Oseanografi.

Institute of Oceanology-Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS)
1.Director of IOCAS (Prof. Fan Wang)
2.Xinyuan Diao
3.Zheng Wang
4.Linlin Zhang
5.Hui Zhou
6.Hui Zhang
7.Shan Zheng
8.Yanwei Li

Alliance of International Scientific Organizations (ANSO) Project
1.Zhongxiu WANG
2.Wilfredo Campos (Via Zoom)
3.Chalapan Kaluwin (Via Zoom)
4.Chaomin Sun (Via Zoom)

Workshop Agenda





Opening Session

1. Welcoming remarks by Director of RCO-BRIN

Dr. Udhi E. Hernawan

2. Remark by Director of IOCAS

Prof. Fan Wang

3. Opening by Head of Research Organisation for Earth Sciences and Maritime-BRIN

Prof.Dr. Ocky karna Radjasa

4. Project Introduction

Xinyuan DIAO

5. Introduction of ANSO Program

Zhongxiu Wang

Presentations Session I


Microplastic finding in Indonesia

M. Reza Cordova




Presentation concerning (TBD)

Wilfredo Campos




presentation concerning (TBD)

Chalapan Kaluwin

11.35 -11.40



Plastic degradation by marine microorganisms

Chaomin Sun

11.55 -12.00


12.00 -12.30

Afternoon Break

Presentations Session II

12.30 -12.45

Subthermocline eddies in the western tropical Pacific

Zhang Linlin



12.50 -13.05

Presentation from (microplastic finding)

Corry Manullang

13.05 -13.10


13.10 -13.25

Observations and Modelling of a submesoscale process in the Pacific Entrance of the Indonesian Throughflow

Zhou Hui

13.25 -13.30


13.30 -13.45

Pathway of plastic debris

M. Riza Iskandar

13.45- 13.50


13.50 -14.05

Molecular identification and community structure of ichthyoplankton in the South China Sea – a case study

Zhang Hui

14.05 -14.10


14.10 -14.25

Distribution and Characteristics of microplastics in different matrices in Yellow Sea, China

Zheng Shan

14.25 -14.30


Closing Session

14.30 -14.55

Discussion and Wrap up

14.55 -15.00

Closing remark by Project PIC

Xinyuan DIAO

(Editor: ZHANG Yiyi)