Joint lab news

Kick-off Meeting of ANSO Program Held on 3rd April

TIME:Apr 17,2023

On April 3, the joint research cooperation project of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) - "Assessment and response to the impact of marine microscopic pollution on ecological security in the core triangle" was officially launched in Research Center for Oceanography of National Research and Innovation Agency (RCO-BRIN) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The kick-off meeting was co chaired by Udhi Hernawan, Director of RCO-BRIN, and Researcher WANG Fan, Director of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). Ocky Radjasa, Dean of Research Organization of Earth Sciences and Maritime, delivered a speech expressing the attention and support of Research Organization of Earth Sciences and Maritime for the project, as well as the importance of cooperation between the two parties; CAO Jinghua, Executive Director of the ANSO Secretariat, delivered an important speech (in video format), outlining the support and expectations of the ANSO Secretariat for the project. The project leader DIAO Xinyuan introduced the overall situation of the project. WANG Zhongxiu from the ANSO Secretariat gave a report titled "Introduction to ANSO and its Opportunities", introducing the background of ANSO, as well as the construction vision, member composition, cooperation projects, personnel training, and funding scope. Afterwards, 10 researchers from China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea conducted scientific reports, reporting on the relevant progress and subsequent cooperation in their respective research directions.

This project focuses on investigating the pollution status of microplastics in the “Coral Triangle” and its impact on the ecological environment, and utilizing microorganisms to conduct research on microplastic degradation technology. This project is led by IOCAS, in collaboration with RCO-BRIN, the University of the Philippines, and the University of Papua New Guinea.

The "Coral Triangle" refers to the more than 6 million square kilometers of triangular sea area between Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. It is an important area for us to implement the 21st century "Maritime Silk Road" strategy. It is also the global center of marine biodiversity, home to 370 million people who depend on marine ecosystems for their livelihoods and food sources. It is also the area with the most serious microplastic pollution in the world. Limited by economic and scientific research conditions, large-scale and systematic basic surveys of marine microplastic pollution and influence on the ecology have not yet been carried out. Hence, the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with the Indonesian Research Center for Oceanography, the University of the Philippines, the University of Papua New Guinea and other scientific research institutions, carried out a comprehensive survey in the "Coral Triangle" sea area to systematically analyze the current distribution and changing trends of marine microplastic pollution in this area. The in-situ measurement and research provide a scientific basis for the local government to grasp the distribution and pollution level of microplastics in their territory. By studying the quantity and shape characteristics of microplastics in representative fish and shellfish in this area, the potential impact of microplastics on the biological safety of marine fish and shellfish is revealed, and a theoretical basis is provided for ensuring the food and biological security of neighboring countries. By isolating microbial strains, screening microorganisms that can effectively degrade plastic particles, and obtaining high-degradation activity "enzyme weapons" to reduce plastics, promote industrial application demonstrations, and provide technical support and solutions for the prevention and control of microplastic pollution in the region. The implementation of this project will effectively promote the improvement of the scientific research capabilities of the Belt and Road countries, expand the cooperation network with the leading maritime powers in Southeast Asia, and significantly enhance the international influence of ANSO.

ANSO is a non-profit, non-governmental international scientific organization founded in 2018 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 36 other international science and education institutions from around the world. ANSO came into being under the principles of "joint consultation, joint effort and joint sharing" championed by the Chinese "Belt and Road Initiative". ANSO is committed to promoting shared development, sustainable development and the advancement of the UN SDGs through catalyzing and implementing concrete international cooperation initiatives in Science, Technology & Innovation and Capacity Building (STIC). It is envisaged that ANSO will focus attention on the investigation and addressing of the most urgent regional and global scientific challenges. This focus includes supporting the needs and scientific capacity building of the Global South through partnerships and cooperation with the member countries and institutions.

On April 4th, the committee member DIAO Xinyuan and Dr. WANG Zheng visited Yan, the Minister of Deputy of Research and Innovation Infrastructure (DIRI-BRIN), and Nugroho, the Minister of Research Vessel Management (RVM-BRIN). The two sides discussed the preparations for the 2023 joint cruise survey in Indonesia, as well as the expected implementation of joint ocean scientific expedition of three ships and three places in September.

The National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN) is a government agency established by the Indonesian government in 2019 under the Ministry of Research and Technology, and officially became a cabinet level government agency on August 24, 2021, directly under the President of Indonesia. BRIN is currently the only national research institution in Indonesia, guiding and supporting the national research ecosystem, promoting national identity and national self-sufficiency. All Indonesian national research institutions, such as the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Technical Evaluation and Application Agency (BPPT), the Indonesian National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), and the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN), have merged into BRIN. Dr. Handoko, former Dean of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, is currently the Director of the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN).

(Editor: ZHANG Yiyi)